Zhang QA
I had to take a Quantitative Analysis (QA) class in college.

A man named Hongkai Zhang taught it.

At the time, no one saw the need.

So very few people came

And even fewer paid attention.

I just read typography books and drew fonts.

But Dr. Zhang recently contacted me.

He made me think about the class

And realize that I just had a bad attitude about it.

Download the Fonts Below

By special request, I have included a few international characters. I am told they are needed for writing in Sweden.

Download Windows TT - 21.4k (zipped)

Download Windows PS - 32.7k (zipped)

Download Mac TT - 32k (stuffed)

Download Mac PS - 51k (stuffed)

If these links do not work, E-mail me and I will send it to you.

E-mail me: UAtype@uatype.faithweb.com