EDB Wild Things
Ed Buri sent me the rough sketches to this font two years ago.

Then last year he finalized the pictures.

Then finally I got it fonted.

After that, I couldn't find him to tell him about it.

But finally he wrote me, and everybody is happy again.

Download the Fonts Below

The only characters in this font are the letters - no punctuation, no numbers, no special characters, and no foreign characters. Sorry about that.

Download Windows TT - 24.6k (zipped)

Download Windows PS - 65.1k (zipped)

Download Mac TT - 37k (stuffed)

Download Mac PS - 93k (stuffed)

This font was selected as a Font of the Day in 1999 and became the 2nd place Font of the Year.
Selected as a Font Frame Font of the Day!!!

If these links do not work, E-mail me and I will send it to you.

E-mail me: UAtype@uatype.faithweb.com